script error on require “dijit/form/Select”

2019-08-28 13:27发布


This code

require([ "dojo","dojo/request/script", "dojo/parser", "dojox/mobile", "dojox/mobile/compat", "dojox/mobile/deviceTheme",


              function(dojo) {

generate a script error on adding Select. Why? I try this but don't works!

Error: multipleDefine

...on(h){return"[object Array]"},g=function(h,a){if(h)for(var c=0;c<h.le...

dojo.js (line 2)
Error: scriptError


This works for me in WL6 with the default dojo 1.9 library:

function dojoInit() {
require([ "dojo", "dojo/ready", "dojo/parser", "dojox/mobile", "dojo/dom", "dijit/registry", "dojox/mobile/ScrollableView",
        "dijit/form/Select" ], function(dojo, ready) {
    ready(function() {

        new dijit.form.Select({
            name : "select2",
            options : [ {label : "TN",value : "Tennessee"}, 
                        {label : "VA",value : "Virginia",selected : true}, 
                        {llabel : "WA",value : "Washington"}, 
                        {label : "FL",value : "Florida"}, 
                        {label : "CA",value : "California"} ]

There is no error, though the widget display seems messed up in the app. (it works, but doesn't look right) Maybe it needs some css


It usually means that you have a different version of dijit/form/Select defined somewhere and their clashing