Update scope with satellite data

2019-08-28 11:03发布


Suppose that you have an array of objects in your scope and that you want to update it with a directive. How can I do that ? I am not really sure what should be done.

The main point is that I want to update the scope with the name and the "satellite data" which is the id in this case but we could imagine that we have more of it.

Question : Why would I need an id value anyway if I don't bother showing it in the UI ? Imagine that instead we are talking to a database and that the database is returning a value based on the input value + the corresponding id. This id will then be used when submitting a form for instance.

One more thing : we don't want to access directly to the people variable from the directive because then the directive wouldn't be general. I have created a plunk here : http://plnkr.co/edit/D2ybe8uPSdzeIxTFzad5

HTML file :

<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<span ng-repeat="val in people">
     <input customattr type = "text" ng-model="val.name" />   
    <br /> <br/>  Children :
  <span ng-repeat="v in val.children">
 <input customattr type = "text" ng-model="v.name" />   

JS file :

var app = angular.module('plunker', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
  $scope.people = [{"name":"Toto", "id":1,
    "children": [


app.directive('customattr', function () {
  return {
      restrict: 'A',
      link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
          element[0].onblur = function() {
           console.log("Hello there" + element[0].value);
           // make some magic processing of the input with a XHR request here...
           // for the demonstration the XHR request is replaced by findTheNewDict
           var newDict = findTheNewDict(element[0].value);
           // Now we want to update the scope with the data
           // How can we do that ?
           scope.$apply(function(s) {
            // We have no knowledge of the variable people here
            // We just know that the data is a dict containing a name and an id
          findTheNewDict = function(input) {
            // Just a dummy return : it doesn't matter what is returned
            // The main point is that I want to update the right variable
            // in the scope with this data
            return {"name": input + "a", "id":input.length};



$scope in the controller is what is bound to the view. Assuming your view elements (div etc.) are bound to properties in $scope object, just update the properties like any other JavaScript object and the framework will take care of the rest.

You may have to wrap the update logic around $scope.$apply function depending on where you run it.


You appear to be trying to do more than is necessary in your directive. What is 'newDict' for? Why change the id values? Why to the length of the name??!

I added the following line to your plunk, which allows you to see your 'people' object being modified as you type:


Your 'customattr' directive is doing nothing at all, so I didn't use it. You probably want buttons to "Add child" in each "family" and to "Add parent"? They can be in the html with direct function calls to the controller; I added those too.

see: http://plnkr.co/edit/ABaCc8lu5fBJJjpii5LP?p=preview