Suppose that you have an array of objects in your scope and that you want to update it with a directive. How can I do that ? I am not really sure what should be done.
The main point is that I want to update the scope with the name and the "satellite data" which is the id in this case but we could imagine that we have more of it.
Question : Why would I need an id value anyway if I don't bother showing it in the UI ? Imagine that instead we are talking to a database and that the database is returning a value based on the input value + the corresponding id. This id will then be used when submitting a form for instance.
One more thing : we don't want to access directly to the people variable from the directive because then the directive wouldn't be general. I have created a plunk here :
HTML file :
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<span ng-repeat="val in people">
<input customattr type = "text" ng-model="" />
<br /> <br/> Children :
<span ng-repeat="v in val.children">
<input customattr type = "text" ng-model="" />
JS file :
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.people = [{"name":"Toto", "id":1,
"children": [
app.directive('customattr', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
element[0].onblur = function() {
console.log("Hello there" + element[0].value);
// make some magic processing of the input with a XHR request here...
// for the demonstration the XHR request is replaced by findTheNewDict
var newDict = findTheNewDict(element[0].value);
// Now we want to update the scope with the data
// How can we do that ?
scope.$apply(function(s) {
// We have no knowledge of the variable people here
// We just know that the data is a dict containing a name and an id
findTheNewDict = function(input) {
// Just a dummy return : it doesn't matter what is returned
// The main point is that I want to update the right variable
// in the scope with this data
return {"name": input + "a", "id":input.length};