I have an Object like this:
public class Operation implements java.io.Serializable
static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private int systemCode;
When I marshall this manually with following code it seems it works well:
JAXBContext jaxbContext =
DroolsJaxbHelperProviderImpl.createDroolsJaxbContext(classNames, null);
Marshaller marshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller();
StringWriter xml = new StringWriter();
marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
marshaller.marshal(object, System.out);
Hence the console prints:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
But when I use the KieServerClient encouraged code I get an error:
org.kie.server.client.KieServicesException: Error while serializing request data!
at org.kie.server.client.impl.AbstractKieServicesClientImpl.serialize(AbstractKieServicesClientImpl.java:514)
at org.kie.server.client.impl.AbstractKieServicesClientImpl.makeHttpPostRequestAndCreateServiceResponse(AbstractKieServicesClientImpl.java:234)
at org.kie.server.client.impl.RuleServicesClientImpl.executeCommandsWithResults(RuleServicesClientImpl.java:72)
Caused by: javax.xml.bind.MarshalException
- with linked exception:
[com.sun.istack.SAXException2: class com.Operation ni ninguna de sus superclases se conocen en este contexto.
(The is in Spanish but I guess the error is pretty easy translated)
A snippet of the code I use for JAXB with KieServerClient:
KieCommands commandsFactory = KieServices.Factory.get().getCommands();
List<Command<?>> cmds = new ArrayList<Command<?>>();
BatchExecutionCommand command = commandsFactory.newBatchExecution(cmds, SESSION_STATEFUL);
Command<?> insertObjectCommand = null;
insertObjectCommand = commandsFactory.newInsert(operation, operation.getClass().getName(), false, null);
KieServicesConfiguration config = KieServicesFactory.newRestConfiguration(KieServer.urlKieServer,
KieServicesClient client = KieServicesFactory.newKieServicesClient(config);
RuleServicesClient rulesClient = client.getServicesClient(RuleServicesClient.class);
ServiceResponse<ExecutionResults> response = rulesClient.executeCommandsWithResults("instances/"+containerName, command);
Any ideas of what I am doing wrong and why one marshalling works but the other does not?
Except for the POJO, I currently do not have this project under maven since I want to know what jars I actually need to have these projects working and with maven a lot of dependencies are automatically resolved and I basically have no clue what I need (my .m2 is full with downloaded jars I have no idea of). Once resolved I will convert the project to maven.
Involved libraries are:
- droolsjbpm-integration-distribution-6.5.0.Final
- droolsjbpm-tools-distribution-6.5.0.Final
- httpclient-4.5.3
- httpcore-4.4.6
- javax.ws.rs-api-2.0
- jaxb-xjc-2.3.0
- jms-1.1
- kie-remote-client-6.5.0.Final
- kie-remote-common-6.5.0.Final
- kie-remote-jaxb-6.5.0.Final
- kie-server-api-6.5.0.Final
- kie-server-client-6.5.0.Final
- optaplanner-core-6.5.0.Final
Environment: - JBoss Developer Studio 10.4 - Wildfly 10.1 - JDK 1.8
PS: I have been able to connect to the KieServer via REST, but it is with the discouraged code and probably because of that (I guess, nobody has ever answered me) I don't obtain the response I want.