I'm trying to build the frontend of a web application in a Node.js Docker container. As I'm on a Windows PC, I'm very limited in my base Images. I chose this one, as it's the only one on DockerHub with a decent number of downloads. As the application is meant to run in Azure, I'm also limited to Windowsservercore 2016. When I run the following Dockerfile, I get the error message below (on my host system the build runs fine btw):
FROM stefanscherer/node-windows:10.15.3-windowsservercore-2016
RUN npm install -g @angular/cli@6.2.4
COPY . ./
RUN ng build
# Fatal error in , line 0
# API fatal error handler returned after process out of memory on the background thread
#FailureMessage Object: 000000E37E3FA6D0
I tried increasing the memory available to the build process with --max_old_space up to 16GB (the entire RAM of my laptop) but that didn't help. I also contacted the author of the base image to find out if that's the issue but as this doesn't seem to be reproducable with a smaller example application, that wasn't very fruitful either. I'm working on this issue for a week now and I'm seriously out of ideas what could be the reason. So I hope to get a new impulse from here. At least a dircetion I could investigate in.
What I also tried was getting Node.js and Angular installed on a Windowsservercore base image. If someone has an idea how to do that, it could be the solution.
EDIT: I noticed that the error message is the only output I get from the build process, it doesn't even get to try building the modules. Maybe that means something...