Empty folders when import existing Android project

2019-08-28 08:28发布


I'm trying to import an Android project into Eclipse by using File > Import > Android > Existing Android Code Into Workspace.

After project imported I found that src and res folder are empty !!! I don't know why I have this problem, any idea to solve this ??



Really annoying indeed. I had the same problem with destroyed files when importing an existing project into Eclipse (Java ADT Package 22.0.5), when I previously had copied the project files into the workspace.

Solution: I copied the original (not the destroyed) project files to another directory and then imported them as "Existing projects into workspace" without any problems.


MichaelSwede post was True, you Should Not Copy Paste The [Android Project] into WorkSpace Directly

1>The "WorkSpace" should contains only [.metadata]

2>Then Open Eclipse, Locate that "WorkSpace"

3>Then Import>Existing Android Project From Another Location except "WorkSpace"


Use File -> Import -> Existing Project into Workspace instead.