I've made zooming and brushing working together. The only problem is, when I've set the particular period on X axis via brushing and then trying to use zoom (on mouse drag or mouse wheel), it resets previous selected scales, so zoom doesn't store x axis domain that was set via brushing before.
zoomRight = d3.behavior.zoom()
zoomed = ->
canvas.select("._x._axis").call xAxis
canvas.select(".axisLeft").call yLeftAxis
canvas.select(".axisRight").call yRightAxis
canvas.select(".y.grid").call make_y_axis().tickSize(-width, 0, 0).tickFormat("")
canvas.select(".line1").attr("d", line1(data))
canvas.select(".line2").attr("d", line2(data))
zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
.scaleExtent([1,20]) # 20x times zoom
.on("zoom", zoomed)
Full code is here fiddle. How can I force zoom to remember the previous brushing selection(position)?