I am learning about Security and looking at storing secrets in the clear.
When I retrieve the contents of a private field, it returns an Object. My mal code correctly assumes and casts the Object as an int, however if I change/parse the field type from int secretInt = 42;
to String secretInt = (new Integer(42).intValue()).tostring
the Mal code fails miserably.
EDIT: The unusual wrapping (new Integer(42).intValue()).tostring
is created by a automated parser, it is not written by a programmer.
how can I add robustness to Mal code so the assumption of the returned type is removed. Is this possible? I need to use this value as int param.
EDIT: 'String' is one example but the parser may choose a data-structure as suitably-inappropriate as byte[], char[].
This is my non-compliant code.
public final class SecretInClear implements Check4SecretsInClear {
//Non-Compliant: Secret int stored in Clear.
private final int secretInt = 42;
public boolean isSecretInt(int check) {
return (check == secretInt);
This is my mal code.
public class ReadClearSecret implements Tester {
//Example of running
public static void main(String[] args) {
String testResult = new ReadClearSecret().test(new SecretInClear());
private Object readPrivateField(Object o, String fieldName) {
try {
Field field = o.getClass().getDeclaredField(fieldName);
return field.get(o);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentExecption(e);
public String test(final Object secretChecks) {
final Check4SecretsInClear check4SecretsInClear = (Check4SecretsInClear)secretChecks;
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
boolean bSecretInt = false;
String s = "";
try {
int secretInt = (Integer)readPrivateField(check4SecretsInClear,"secretInt"); //<<< HERE! It's cast as an integer!!!
bSecretInt = check4SecretsInClear.isSecretInt(secretInt); //<<< HERE! Param must be an int.
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
s = "," + e.getClass().getSimpleName();
} finally {
stringBuilder.append(" int:").append(bSecretInt).append(s);
s = "";
return stringBuilder.toString();
Instead of casting (int) from readPrivateField()
. Instead I extract the string value String.valueOf(Object)
or Object.toString()
. I can then pass that string as a int param with new Integer(stringValue)
If the parser chooses to represent secretInt
as type byte[] the string value will be nuts and the mal code will be pwned. Any suggest to produce robustness against this?