
WSO2 Error - Exception encountered but no fault ha

2019-08-28 06:02发布


I am getting the above error,Below is my configuration

I configured a proxy service and i want to use Filter Mediator to check some conditon (JSON format i passed through request) and need to call another back end service

Here is my configuration

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><proxy xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse" name="SampleProxy" transports="https,http" statistics="disable" trace="disable" startOnLoad="true">
        <payloadFactory media-type="json">
             "TestClass" :
                "lotus" : $1,
                "gmail" : $2 

                <arg evaluator="json" expression="$.TestClass.lotus"/>
                <arg evaluator="json" expression="$.TestClass.gmail"/>
            <property name="Lotus Value" expression="json-eval($.TestClass.lotus)"/>
            <property name="Gmail Value" expression="json-eval($.TestClass.gmail)"/>
        <filter source="json-eval($.TestClass.lotus)" regex="yes">
                    <property name="Filter Value" value="Filter Reached"/>
                        <address uri=""/>
                <log level="custom">
                    <property name="Filter Else Condition" value="Reached"/>

I am passing the json input as

  "TestClass" :
  "lotus" : "yes",
  "gmail" : "no"

I am getting those in the proxy service,but as per the filter condition,it entering in the first filter too,but while i am calling the back end service,i am getting the following error

INFO {SERVICE_LOGGER.SampleProxy} -  Successfully created the Axis2 service for Proxy service : SampleProxy
INFO {SERVICE_LOGGER.SampleProxy} -  To: /services/SampleProxy.SampleProxyHttpEndpoint/, From:, Direction: request, Lotus Value = yes
INFO {SERVICE_LOGGER.SampleProxy} -  To: /services/SampleProxy.SampleProxyHttpEndpoint/, From:, Direction: request, Gmail Value = no
INFO {SERVICE_LOGGER.SampleProxy} -  To: /services/SampleProxy.SampleProxyHttpEndpoint/, From:, Direction: request, Filter Value = Filter Reached
WARN {SERVICE_LOGGER.SampleProxy} -  Executing fault handler due to exception encountered
WARN {SERVICE_LOGGER.SampleProxy} -  ERROR_CODE : 0 ERROR_MESSAGE : Unexpected error during sending message out

Can anyone help me what actually the problem,since i am new to wso2 .

How to call back end service?

Thanks in Advance