I'm trying to upgrade a dependency to a project that will ultimately become a dependency to my project. I've made the upgrade and I want to test it locally before I put it out on the repo to be used. I'm learning Gradle and a few Google searches showed me how to add the project to the settings.gradle file. But the dependency project uses aliases for their dependencies (see build.gradle below).
include ':TransportImpl'
Changed to:
include ':TransportImpl', ':jeromq'
project(':jeromq').projectDir = new File("../zeromq/jeromq")
//project.ext.set("JEROMQ", 'THIRD-PARTY:jeromq:0.4.2')
project.ext.set("JEROMQ", ':jeromq')
If I uncomment the original line (shown commented above), because that apk is in the repo it gets recognized. I'm guessing that this only works for external libraries.
Other things I have tried:
//project.ext.set("JEROMQ", 'C:/Users/username/.m2/repository/THIRD_PARTY/jeromq/0.5.1-SNAPSHOT/jeromq-0.5.1-SNAPSHOT-jeromq.jar')
//project.ext.set("JEROMQ", 'C:\\Users\\username\\.m2\\repository\\THIRD_PARTY\\jeromq\\0.5.1\\jeromq-0.5.1-jeromq.jar')
//implementation filetree(dir: 'C:\\Users\\username\\.m2\\repository\\THIRD_PARTY\\jeromq\\0.5.1', include:['jeromq-0.5.1-jeromq.jar'])
Can anyone give me a tip on how I can assign a variable that points to the local repository and use that variable to set an archiveBaseName?
New Information:
gradle.build for our jeromq project
apply plugin : 'maven'
apply plugin : 'maven-publish'
// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
ext {
// Nexus paths
nexusUsername = project.findProperty("nexusUsername") ?: (System.getenv("NEXUS_USERNAME") ?: "user_name"
nexusPassword = project.findProperty("nexusPassword") ?: (System.getenv("NEXUS_PASSWORD") ?: "password")
// Project versions
jeromqVersion = "0.5.1-SNAPSHOT"
allprojects {
// Read only repositories for dependencies; this should never be used to publish
repositories {
The project that uses it as a dependency finds it using the following from its build.gradle file:
// Create aliases for dependencies
project.ext.set("EASY_MOCK", 'Test:easymock:3.5.1')
project.ext.set("OBJENESIS", 'Test:objenesis:2.6')
// **************** HERE ***************************
// THIRD-PARTY is configured to look on the nexus server
project.ext.set("JEROMQ", 'THIRD-PARTY:jeromq:0.4.2') ... or 0.5.1 or 0.5.1-SNAPSHOT ...
allprojects {
// Read only repositories for dependencies; this should never be used to publish
repositories {
// maven {
// // trying to add my local repo,
// // BUT this still does not change where THIRD-PARTY is pointing to
// url 'file://C:/Users/me/.m2/repository/THIRD_PARTY/jeromq/0.5.1-SNAPSHOT/jeromq-0.5.1-SNAPSHOT-jeromq.jar'
// }
maven {
name 'ReleasesName'
url "$nexusUrl$ReleasesName
maven {
name 'ReleasesNameSnapshots'
url "$nexusUrl$ReleasesNameSnapshots"
credentials {
username "${rootProject.ext.nexusReadOnlyUsername}"
password "${rootProject.ext.nexusReadOnlyPassword}"
jcenter {
url "https://jcenter.bintray.com/"
The only reason I need the alias for that dependency is because it is used in other places.