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Changing the interval of SetInterval while it's running
14 answers
I have a global variable called interval, and I need to change this global variable to 5000 inside a function, so after waiting for 1 second, the setInterval function will now wait for 5 seconds. However, when I tried the code below, it only waits 1 second every time it's executed.
var timeToWait1 = 1000;
var timeToWait2 = 5000;
var interval = timeToWait1;
setInterval(function(){ waitFunction () }, interval);
function waitFunction() {
interval = timeToWait2;
} //end of function waitFunction()
Interval is set once and can't be changed, You'd need timeout.
var timeToWait1 = 1000;
var timeToWait2 = 5000;
setTimeout(waitFunction, timeToWait1);
function waitFunction() {
console.log('waitFunction called');
setTimeout(waitFunction, timeToWait2);
Once an interval has started, you can't change the duration it uses. You'll have to stop the interval and re-start it with the new duration.
let intervalId;
let makeInterval = duration => {
console.log('making a new interval');
intervalId = setInterval(waitFunction, duration);
function waitFunction() {
console.log('waitFunction running');
You might consider using a recursive setTimeout
instead, to avoid the need for clearing:
let makeTimeout = duration => {
console.log('making a new timeout');
setTimeout(waitFunction, duration);
function waitFunction() {
console.log('waitFunction running');