How can one replace the extension of a file path s

2019-08-28 01:54发布


I have the following lines in my MSBuild project file:

    <TestResultsFileName Condition=" '$(TestResultsFileName)' == '' ">

I need to create another file, having the same name as TestResultsFilePath only with the .xml extension. So I want to have a property to hold the file path of the other file.

At first, I thought that something like this would work:


And, of course, it did not, because TestResultsFileName is not an item collection. Unfortunately, it cannot be such, because it is a parameter to some task that expects a simple value, not a collection.

So, my question is how can I replace the extension of the TestResultsFileName property value with .xml?



Never mind. I have written a custom task to do the job:

    public class ReplaceExtension : Task
        public string FilePath { get; set; }

        public string NewExtension { get; set; }

        public string Result { get; set; }

        public override bool Execute()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilePath))
                Log.LogError("FilePath cannot be empty!");
                return false;

                int length = FilePath.Length;
                int startIndex = length;
                int oldExtensionLength = 0;
                while (--startIndex >= 0)
                    char ch = FilePath[startIndex];
                    if (ch == '.')
                        oldExtensionLength = length - startIndex;
                    if (ch == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar || 
                        ch == Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar || 
                        ch == Path.VolumeSeparatorChar)

                bool isNewExtensionEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewExtension) ||
                    (NewExtension.Length == 1 && NewExtension[0] == '.');

                if (isNewExtensionEmpty)
                    // The new extension is empty - remove the old extension.
                    if (oldExtensionLength > 0)
                        Result = FilePath.Remove(startIndex, oldExtensionLength);
                        Result = FilePath;
                    // Replace the old extension with the new one.
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(FilePath.Length - oldExtensionLength +
                        NewExtension.Length + (NewExtension[0] == '.' ? 0 : 1));
                    sb.Append(FilePath, 0, FilePath.Length - oldExtensionLength);
                    if (NewExtension[0] != '.')
                    Result = sb.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
            return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;

I am using it like this:

  <Target Name="CreateProperties">
    <ReplaceExtension FilePath="$(TestResultsFilePath)" NewExtension="xml">
      <Output TaskParameter="Result" PropertyName="NUnitResultsFilePath"/>