How do I convert a string from a cell to a text array inside of a function, that should use the array, without using VBA and without adding the array into any other part of the document? It will be one of these arrays on more than 1000 rows. The string format is ^[a-zA-Z0-9.,-]*$ with "," as delimiter.
This is the functionality I would like to achieve
I have an excel table with the following columns
A: ID numbers to compare, separated by comma (delimiter can be changed if needed). About 100 ID's would be good to support at least.
B: ID (Each value on the rows in the column are unique but not sorted and can't be sorted because sorting is needed based on other criterias)
C: Value (Several rows in the column can have the same value)
D: Output the one ID of the comma separated ID's that has the highest value on its row
The problem part of the output
So far I have made a function which find the correct ID in column B based on the values in column C but only if I enter the string from column A as an array constant manually within the function. I have not managed to get the function to create the array itself from column A, which is required.
Working part of the code
In this code I have entered the values from column A manually and this is working as it should.
Note that the start row is not the first row and the array is used 3 times in the function.
Code to try to convert the string to a text array
Not working but if wrapped in SUMPRODUCT() it provide an array to the SUMPRODUCT() function, of course not usable since I then can't pass on the array. The background to this code can be found in question Split a string (cell) in Excel without VBA (e.g. for array formula)!.
=TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A10,",",REPT(" ",99)),(ROW(OFFSET($A$1,,,LEN(A10)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A10,",",""))+1))-1)*99+((ROW(OFFSET($A$1,,,LEN(A10)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A10,",",""))+1)))=1),99))
The second code output the first item of the array and inserted in the first code do not change this result as it did when wrapping the second code in SUMPRODUCT().
Here is a picture of my simplified test setup in Excel for this case, identical to what is described above.
Simplified test setup