
Error error C3861: 'cvPyrSegmentation': id

2019-08-28 00:53发布


Could you please help me???Getting an error when executing coding below. I'm a newbie using OpenCV. My teacher is Mr. Google and you guys who expert in this field.

IntelliSense: identifier "cvPyrSegmentation" is undefined

Error error C3861: 'cvPyrSegmentation': identifier not found

#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

 static void help(void)
  printf("\nThis program present the function of pyramid segmentation which is   
        cvcvPyrSegmentation()\n""we can controlled the value of threshold by creating 
        the taskbar\n""Usage :\n");            

IplImage*  image[2] = { 0, 0 }, *image0 = 0, *image1 = 0;
CvSize size;

int  w0, h0,i;
int  threshold1, threshold2;
int  l,level = 4;
int sthreshold1, sthreshold2;
int  l_comp;
int block_size = 1000;
float  parameter;
double threshold;
double rezult, min_rezult;
int filter = CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5;
CvConnectedComp *cur_comp, min_comp;
CvSeq *comp;
CvMemStorage *storage;

CvPoint pt1, pt2;

static void START_SEGMENT(int a)
  (void) a;
  cvPyrSegmentation (image0, image1, storage, &comp, level, threshold1+1,  

  cvShowImage("Segmentation", image1);

int main( int argc, char** argv )
  char* filename;


  filename = argc == 2 ? argv[1] : (char*)"C:/Users/acer/Documents/Visual Studio   

  if( (image[0] = cvLoadImage( filename, 1)) == 0 )
  printf("Cannot load fileimage - %s\n", filename);
  return -1;

  cvNamedWindow("Source", 0);
  cvShowImage("Source", image[0]);

  cvNamedWindow("Segmentation", 0);

  storage = cvCreateMemStorage ( block_size );

  image[0]->width &= -(1<<level);
  image[0]->height &= -(1<<level);

  image0 = cvCloneImage( image[0] );
  image1 = cvCloneImage( image[0] );
  // segmentation of the color image
  l = 1;
  threshold1 =255;
  threshold2 =30;


  sthreshold1 = cvCreateTrackbar("Threshold1", "Segmentation", &threshold1, 255,   
  sthreshold2 = cvCreateTrackbar("Threshold2", "Segmentation",  &threshold2, 255, 

  cvShowImage("Segmentation", image1);


  cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage );


  return 0;

 #ifdef _EiC


You didn't include the right header, by the looks of things.

#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc_c.hpp>


Your compiler can't understand what the command cvPyrSegmentation means. Your solutions are:

  1. That particular function doesn't actually exist and you are reading the wrong documentation (I can't find that function in the official API).

  2. You might be missing a header file. Go back to what ever example you are following and redo it exactly as they demonstrate. If you're not following an example, find one; this is almost always the best way to solve a problem.

  3. You might be missing a number of flags that you have to pass to the compiler. If you're familiar with using libraries you'll know what I mean. If you're not familiar with using libraries in C, look up how to use a very simply one first. I suggest the GMP.

If you can't find an example, leave a comment, and I'll edit one in once I find one.


add #include<cvaux.h> where the function cvPyrSegmentation lies.

PS: all files to be included for assurance...

#include <cvaux.h>
#include <opencv\cxcore.hpp>
#include <opencv.hpp>
#include <nonfree.hpp>
#include <core/core.hpp>
#include <imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <imgproc/imgproc_c.h>
#include <highgui.h>


You need to : 1) first include legacy.hpp (usually on opencv2/legacy/legacy.hpp)

2) make sure that legacy.hpp is in the "additional dependencies" of the linker input (I am assuming you are using visual C++)