I'm writing an API wrapper in Ruby for the Omeka API. Part of the API is making a class that represents an item on the Omeka site. A GET request to the API returns a JSON object, which I convert to a hash (see below, since it's long). Rather than making users navigate through a long hash, I'm using the Recursive Open Struct gem to create accessor methods. For example:
class OmekaItem
attr_accessor :data
def initialize(hash)
@data = RecursiveOpenStruct.new(hash, :recurse_over_arrays => true)
Assuming that I've made an instance of the class called item
that lets the user access data like so: item.data.id
or item.data.modified
The most important data is in the element texts array. There are two kinds of element texts: "Dublin Core" and "Item Type Metadata." I'd like to create a separate Open Struct for the data in those fields. This is how I do that:
class OmekaItem
attr_accessor :data, :dublin_core, :item_type_metadata
def initialize(hash)
@data = RecursiveOpenStruct.new(hash, :recurse_over_arrays => true)
dublin_core = Hash.new
item_type_metadata = Hash.new
@data.element_texts.each do |element_text|
if element_text.element_set.name == "Dublin Core"
method_name = element_text.element.name.downcase.gsub(/\s/, '_')
value = element_text.text
dublin_core[method_name] = value
elsif element_text.element_set.name == "Item Type Metadata"
method_name = element_text.element.name.downcase.gsub(/\s/, '_')
value = element_text.text
item_type_metadata[method_name] = value
@dublin_core = RecursiveOpenStruct.new(dublin_core)
@item_type_metadata = RecursiveOpenStruct.new(item_type_metadata)
Now users can access the Dublin Core metadata with method calls like this: item.dublin_core.title
So far so good, but this is where I'm stuck. The class needs to implement a to_h
method to return a hash in the original format with changed data, so that I can pass it to POST and PUT methods. If someone were to change the data by calling item.data.element_text[1].text = "My new data"
then I could easily call the method on the open struct that returns a hash. But if a user changes item.dublin_core.title = "My new title"
that data will be separate from the open struct stored in @data
. How can I go about making the two places where the data is stored line up?
A typical hash for an item looks like this:
>> pp hash
"name"=>"Lesson Plan",
"text"=>"Item Title",
"name"=>"Dublin Core",
"text"=>"Item Subject",
"name"=>"Dublin Core",
"text"=>"Item Contributor",
"name"=>"Dublin Core",
"text"=>"Item Description",
"name"=>"Dublin Core",
"text"=>"Item Creator",
"name"=>"Dublin Core",
"text"=>"Item Source",
"name"=>"Dublin Core",
"text"=>"Item Publisher",
"name"=>"Dublin Core",
"text"=>"Item Date",
"name"=>"Dublin Core",
"text"=>"Item Rights",
"name"=>"Dublin Core",
"text"=>"Item Relation",
"name"=>"Dublin Core",
"text"=>"Item Format",
"name"=>"Dublin Core",
"text"=>"Item Language",
"name"=>"Dublin Core",
"text"=>"Item Type",
"name"=>"Dublin Core",
"text"=>"Item Identifier",
"name"=>"Dublin Core",
"text"=>"Item Coverage",
"name"=>"Dublin Core",
"text"=>"Item Type Duration",
"name"=>"Item Type Metadata",
"text"=>"Item Type Standards",
"name"=>"Item Type Metadata",
"text"=>"Item Type Objectives",
"name"=>"Item Type Metadata",
"text"=>"Item Type Materials",
"name"=>"Item Type Metadata",
"text"=>"Item Type Lesson Plan Text",
"name"=>"Item Type Metadata",
"name"=>"Lesson Plan Text",