when my .net exe runs, it loads the correct .net assemblies at rumtime. i understand that there is a probing process that happens.
my question is that if i open up the .net exe/dll in ildasm, i only the .extern reference to the mscorlib.dll, not others.
so how does clr gets the information required for doing the probing of the .net referenced assemlies?
i have an example project and the images here.
so in this case, i dont see the .net assembly references anywhere like System, System.Xml.Linq, Questions etc.., but obviously they are loaded by the clr and i do see them in my fusion logviewer
where is the data required for .net assemblies located?
i've noticed some inconsistent behaviour behaviour how the extern assemblies are put the manifest for some core .net dlls and other external .net dlls.