Converting Mysql Timestamp to time since posted [c

2019-08-27 21:41发布


I have a mysql column with the following attributes


and I am displaying it in my table like this

echo "<td>" . $row['listDate']  . "</td>";

How would one go about converting the output to time since posted instead of the default:

2014-12-17 00:32:50


In your MySQL Query, you could use TimeStampDiff

    timestampdiff(MINUTE,listDate, NOW()) as minutes_from_list_date
FROM table_name 

If you read the documentation, you should see a few ways on how you could change the output to what you might want/need.

to use it in your php code, you would call it like so:

echo '<td>'. $row['minutes_from_list_date'] . '</td>';


Use DateTime class

$timePosted = new DateTime ($row['listdate']);
$timeNow = new DateTime("now");
$timeSince = $timePosted->diff($timeNow);

echo $timeSince->format("Since posted passed %a days, %h hours, %i minutes and %s seconds");


Mysql has a function timestampdiff() and you can use it to generate the query something like below and its widely used in comment/reply section where it shows as 1 year ago, 10 days ago, 2 hours ago, just now etc

when timestampdiff(year,'2014-12-17 10:10:24',now()) > 0 then concat(timestampdiff(year,'2014-12-17 10:10:24',now()) ,' years ago') 
when timestampdiff(month,'2014-12-17 10:10:24',now()) > 0 then concat(timestampdiff(month,'2014-12-17 10:10:24',now()) ,' months ago') 
when timestampdiff(day,'2014-12-17 10:10:24',now()) > 0 then concat(timestampdiff(day,'2014-12-17 10:10:24',now()) ,' days ago') 
when timestampdiff(hour,'2014-12-17 10:10:24',now()) > 0  then concat(timestampdiff(hour,'2014-12-17 10:10:24',now()) ,' hours ago') 
when timestampdiff(minute,'2014-12-17 10:10:24',now()) > 0 then concat(timestampdiff(minute,'2014-12-17 10:10:24',now()),' minutes ago') 
else 'just now' 
end as posted ;
| posted      |
| 3 hours ago |

In the query you can change the hard-coded datetime value with your column name.

The logic is

  • first it will check if the difference in terms of year is more than 0 then set the string posted {diff in years} ago

  • else if it is months then set

  • else if it is days then set

  • else if it is hours then set

  • else if it is in minute then set

  • else set the string as just now

标签: php mysqli