How to copy file from HDFS to the local file syste

2019-01-16 02:35发布


How to copy file from HDFS to the local file system . There is no physical location of a file under the file , not even directory . how can i moved them to my local for further validations.i am tried through winscp .


  1. bin/hadoop fs -get /hdfs/source/path /localfs/destination/path
  2. bin/hadoop fs -copyToLocal /hdfs/source/path /localfs/destination/path
  3. Point your web browser to HDFS WEBUI(namenode_machine:50070), browse to the file you intend to copy, scroll down the page and click on download the file.


In Hadoop 2.0,

hdfs dfs -copyToLocal <hdfs_input_file_path> <output_path>


  • hdfs_input_file_path maybe obtained from http://<<name_node_ip>>:50070/explorer.html

  • output_path is the local path of the file, where the file is to be copied to.

  • you may also use get in place of copyToLocal.


In order to copy files from HDFS to the local file system the following command could be run:

hadoop dfs -copyToLocal <input> <output>

  • <input>: the HDFS directory path (e.g /mydata) that you want to copy
  • <output>: the destination directory path (e.g. ~/Documents)


you can accomplish in both these ways.

1.hadoop fs -get <HDFS file path> <Local system directory path>
2.hadoop fs -copyToLocal <HDFS file path> <Local system directory path>


My files are located in /sourcedata/mydata.txt I want to copy file to Local file system in this path /user/ravi/mydata

hadoop fs -get /sourcedata/mydata.txt /user/ravi/mydata/


This worked for me on my VM instance of Ubuntu.

hdfs dfs -copyToLocal [hadoop directory] [local directory]


bin/hadoop fs -put /localfs/destination/path /hdfs/source/path 

标签: hadoop copy hdfs