How do I use requestFocus in a Java JFrame GUI?

2019-08-27 19:04发布


I am given an assignment but I am totally new to Java (I have been programming in C++ and Python for two years).

So we are doing GUI and basically we extended JFrame and added a couple fields.

Say we have a field named "Text 1" and "Text 2". When user presses enter with the cursor in Text 1, move the focus to Text 2. I tried to add

private JTextField textfield1() {

    textfield1 = new JTextField();
    textfield1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 20));

                           new ActionListener() {
                        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

                            textfield1text = textfield1.getText().trim();


    return textfield1;

But that doesn't work at all.

I noticed that requestFocus is not recommended, and instead one should use requestFocusWindows. But I tried that too. Upon some readings it seems like I have to do keyboard action and listener? But my teacher said it only requires 1 line...


Well, you have textfield1.requestFocus(), but your description would imply you need textfield2.requestFocus(). (that's 2).


Another option might be to use:


This way you don't need to know the name of the next component on the form.