I have a little problem when I want to make the total sum of the column by id.
Table products
id code name price quantity
522 123 Product 1 12 4
Table purchase_items
id product_id quantity
1 522 5
2 522 1
Table sale_items
id product_id quantity
1 522 1
2 522 1
function codeigniter:
$products = $this->alerts->select('products.id as productid, products.code as code, products.name, products.price, sum(sale_items.quantity)')
$this->alerts->join('sale_items', 'products.id = sale_items.product_id');
$products = $this->alerts->select('products.id as productid, products.code as code, products.name, products.price, sum(purchase_items.quantity)')
$this->alerts->join('purchase_items', 'products.id = purchase_items.product_id');
foreach ($this->result_array() as $product)
$products[] = $product['record'];
return $products;
The issue is that the result for
purchase_items the result is 12
sale_items the result is 4
Why is taking the result x 2 ?
Any help is appreciated.
Because you are joining purchasing activity to sales activity via your item master (products table). As a result, the number of rows for purchasing that are included in the sum depend on how many rows in sales you have; and vice versa for sales.
You need to separate those queries either as separate SQL statements that you combine in the view, or you can use a SQL UNION ALL
to combine two statements: one for purchases and one for sales.
Two statements:
->select('products.id as productid, products.code as code, products.name, products.price, sum(purchase_items.quantity)')
$this->alerts->join('purchase_items', 'products.id = purchase_items.product_id');
echo "Total Purchases";
echo $this->alerts->generate();
->select('products.id as productid, products.code as code, products.name, products.price, sum(sale_items.quantity)')
$this->alerts->join('sale_items', 'products.id = sale_items.product_id');
echo "Total Sales";
echo $this->alerts->generate();
Or, in SQL:
$results = $this->db->query('
SELECT products.id as productid, products.code as code, products.name, products.price, ''Purchase'' as transaction, sum(purchase_items.quantity)
FROM products
JOIN purchase_items ON products.id = purchase_items.product_id
GROUP BY products.id
SELECT products.id as productid, products.code as code, products.name, products.price, ''Sale'' as transaction sum(sales_items.quantity)
FROM products
JOIN sales_items ON products.id = sales_items.product_id
GROUP BY products.id')->result_array();
// Echo $results....
I'm not entirely sure what you have in your Alerts
model, but in your revised query you are assigning a SQL statement twice to the variable $products
but not executing the statements?
Also make sure your Alerts model extends CI_Model
In more standard Codeigniter syntax, I would do something like this:
// In Controller, assuming the Alerts model is loaded, and using method chaining.
// Get all sales. By the way, you normally have to group on all columns *not* being aggregated. You might
// get unexpected results by grouping on price, unless the price never changes.
$this->alerts->select('products.id as productid, products.code, products.name, products.price, sum(sale_items.quantity) as quantity')
->join('sale_items', 'products.id = sale_items.product_id')
->group_by('products.id, products.code, products.name, products.price');
$sales = $this->alerts->get()->result_array();
// Get all purchases
$this->alerts->select('products.id as productid, products.code, products.name, products.price, sum(purchase_items.quantity) as quantity')
->join('purchase_items', 'products.id = purchase_items.product_id')
->group_by(products.id, products.code, products.name, products.price);
$purchases = $this->alerts->get()->result_array();
// Put it all together
$products = array_merge($sales, $purchases);
// And now do something with your combined results $products. Send to view, echo etc.