Demo and full code like this :
I want the datepicker and timepicker not filled when loaded the first time. I want the datepicker or timepicker to filled when the user clicks on the input text of each. Eg user click on timepicker text input then time will be filled
I try use this :
But it does not work
How can I do it?
You found the right trick!
But you are not doing it at the right moment. Place that AFTER the pickers have been instanciated.
To fill the time on focus, add this .on()
to timepicker:
minDate: moment().add(300, 'm'),
.on('focus', function(e){
if( $(this).val() == "" ){
$(this).data("DateTimePicker").minDate(moment().add(300, 'm'));
You just need to write these lines to end of your function :
You can use this code :
$(function () {
minDate: moment().add(300, 'm').startOf("day")
.val(moment().add(300, 'm').format("DD-MM-YYYY")) // To set correct "valid" date from start
.on('dp.change', function(e){
var now = moment().format("X");
// Comparing selected date (moment object) in milliseconds
if("X")+(300*60*1000) > now ){
console.log("above 5 hours, unlocking time.");
console.log("below 5 hours, locking time (and probably resetting the value to min...)");
$('#timepicker').data("DateTimePicker").minDate(moment().add(300, 'm'));
minDate: moment().add(300, 'm'),
Have a look at this fiddle I have commented some lines
$(function () {
minDate: moment().add(300, 'm').startOf("day")
//.val(moment().add(300, 'm').format("DD-MM-YYYY")) // To set correct "valid" date from start
.on('dp.change', function(e){
var now = moment().format("X");
// Comparing selected date (moment object) in milliseconds
if("X")+(300*60*1000) > now ){
console.log("above 5 hours, unlocking time.");
console.log("below 5 hours, locking time (and probably resetting the value to min...)");
$('#timepicker').data("DateTimePicker").minDate(moment().add(300, 'm'));
//minDate: moment().add(300, 'm'),
}).on('dp.change', function(e){ $('#timepicker').data("DateTimePicker").minDate(moment().add(300, 'm'));});