I am having limitation in using MySQL's FIND_IN_SET function for searching array in set. Hence thinking of using of REGEXP. However can anyone help me constructing it.
E.g. My requirement
SELECT * FROM table AS t WHERE FIND_IN_SET('1,2,3', t.list);
Hence thinking of using REGEXP function to search array within set.
SELECT * FROM table AS t WHERE t.list REGEXP '1,2,3';
Can anyone help me building this REGEXP.
You can do like this:
SELECT * FROM table AS t WHERE t.list REGEXP '^9,|,9$|,9,' OR t.list =9
You can split your search string and continue to use FIND_IN_SET()
FROM `table` AS t
WHERE FIND_IN_SET('1', t.list)
AND FIND_IN_SET('2', t.list)
AND FIND_IN_SET('3', t.list)
Better yet normalize your data by introducing a many-to-many table.
For your requirements you can easily use:
FROM table1 AS t
WHERE t.list REGEXP '1|2|3';
To learn about regular expressions take look at this software:
try the fallowing sql statement:
FROM table AS t
WHERE t.list REGEXP '^(1$|2$|3$)';