In safari, Im trying to insert a Hidden field into the DOM then update its value as below.
colHiddenFieldId = 'row_100000_0_NewValue'
$("#" + colHiddenFieldId).val('TEST')
However the value is never getting set, it looks Safari dosn't think the hidden field exists. I know it does because it works on every other browser known to man!!!
Is this a bad thing to do in safaris book?
Are you positive you're not missing a '0' in the name, or maybe adding too many? You can see if Safari has access to it by cycling through all hidden fields and alerting their ID:
Assuming the field exists already...
Creating the field...
var myId = "someIdHere";
$("<input />")
It doesn't look like you're creating the hidden field -- unless you've left that part of your code out.
You need something like this:
// set the name of the hidden field
var colHiddenFieldId = 'foo';
// create the hidden field (insert it)
$("#yourForm").append("<input type='hidden' id='" + colHiddenFieldId + "' name='" + colHiddenFieldId + "' value='TEST' />");
If you've taken a different approach to inserting the hidden field, it might help to post that code as well.