I've already looked at the relevant docs from git-scm.com and gitref.org, but I can't seem to figure this out.
Let's say I want to get all commits for Tuesday, November 12th, 2013. Using an existing repo as an example, I know for a fact that I have commits on that day, as well as commits the day before and the day after.
With 2013-11-11
and 2013-11-12
All the following give me commits for both November 11th and 12th:
git log --after="2013-11-11" --until="2013-11-12"
git log --since="2013-11-11" --until="2013-11-12"
git log --after="2013-11-11" --before="2013-11-12"
git log --since="2013-11-11" --before="2013-11-12"
With 2013-11-12
All the following give me no commits:
git log --since="2013-11-12" --until="2013-11-12"
git log --since="2013-11-12" --before="2013-11-12"
git log --after="2013-11-12" --until="2013-11-12"
git log --after="2013-11-12" --before="2013-11-12"
With 2013-11-12
and 2013-11-13
As expected (from the results of 2013-11-11
and 2013-11-12
above), all of the following give me results from both November 12th and 13th:
git log --since="2013-11-12" --before="2013-11-13"
git log --after="2013-11-12" --before="2013-11-13"
git log --since="2013-11-12" --until="2013-11-13"
git log --after="2013-11-12" --before="2013-11-13"
...and so on and so forth. I feel like I've tried every possible combination of since
, after
, before
, and until
but still can't find the answer, nor do I understand whether those options are inclusive or exclusive, since they seem to be inclusive if the two dates are different, but exclusive if they're on the same day. Did I miss something / what am I doing wrong?!
Thanks John Bartholomew!
The answer is to specify the time, e.g. git log --after="2013-11-12 00:00" --before="2013-11-12 23:59"
I usually check my git log and see what I was working on a specific day and update my timesheet based on that, but it's a pain in the ass to type in the full date in ISO format so I just do it like this
git log --after=jun9 --before=jun10
and I add --author
to only print my commits
git log --since=jun9 --until=jun10 --author=Robert
This prints commits that happened on the last 9th of June (so for 2016 in this case and not for 2015 or 2014 and so on).
The --since/--after
and --until/--before
parameters can also take stuff like 3 days ago
, yesterday
, etc.
Nothing wrong with the accepted answer (which I upvoted), but... we're here for science!
The output below can be expanded/customised with pretty=format:<string>
git log --pretty='format:%H %an %ae %ai' | grep 2013-11-12
Not 100% immune to errors as the same string could have been entered by a user. But acceptable depending on which placeholders are used. The snippet above would not fail, for instance.
One could as well just parse the whole git log
and consume/manipulate its data to one's heart content. Check https://github.com/dreamyguy/gitlogg out and never look back!
Disclaimer: that's one of my projects.
I made an alias for that specific purpose:
commitsAtDate = "!f() { git log --pretty='format:%C(yellow)%h %G? %ad%Cred%d %Creset%s%C(cyan) [%cn]' --decorate --after=\"$1 0:00\" --before=\"$1 23:59\" --author \"`git config user.name`\"; }; f"
git commitsAtDate 2017-08-18
This script displays the available date range of commits for the current repo, then prompts for the date that you want to see commits from. It displays a short SHA and the full SHA, the author, the commit timestamp, and the comments in single quotes.
The script keeps prompting for dates until you press Enter or Control-D.
Mac users: requires gnu date.
COMMITS=`git log --abbrev-commit --pretty="format:%h %H %ai" | sort -k3 -k4`
FIRST=`echo "$COMMITS" | head -n 1`
LAST=`echo "$COMMITS" | tail -n 1`
echo "First commit: $FIRST"
echo "Last commit: $LAST"
printf "Date to search for commits: "
read DATE
while [[ "$DATE" ]]; do
NEXT_DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d -d "$DATE +1 day"`
#echo "Searching for commits from $DATE to $NEXT_DATE"
echo `git log --after="$DATE" --before="$NEXT_DATE" --pretty="format:%h %H %an %ci '%s'"`
printf "\nDate to search for commits: "
read DATE
I called the script commitsOnDates
, and here it is in action. The first date I enter has no commits, so the response is just an empty line:
$ commitsOnDates
First commit: 375bcfb 375bcfbbf548134a4e34c36e3f28d87c53b2445f 2015-08-03 13:37:16 -0700
Last commit: 1d4c88c 1d4c88ce6a15efaceda1d653eed3346fcae8f5e6 2018-10-13 21:32:27 -0700
Date to search for commits: 2015-08-13
Date to search for commits: 2015-08-03
375bcfb 375bcfbbf548134a4e34c36e3f28d87c53b2445f Mike Slinn 2015-08-03 13:37:16 -0700 'this is a comment'
Date to search for commits: 2018-10-13
1d4c88c 1d4c88ce6a15efaceda1d653eed3346fcae8f5e6 Mike Slinn 2018-10-13 21:32:27 -0700 'a comment' 64d6e16 64d6e16338657b82c91ac94bea8ebf7b80dc4c28 Mike Slinn 2018-10-13 18:28:41 -0700 'nother comment' d5eb26e d5eb26e49fc9dceee9b9f5a2d8fa052bff2cfbbc Mike Slinn 2018-10-13 18:16:20 -0700 'no comment' d8a4992 d8a4992df208ba5efb50728311820bdad5ba5332 Mike Slinn 2018-10-13 12:02:00 -0700 'commented'
Date to search for commits: