Alright so here goes.
I currently need to write an extension method for the System.IO.BinaryReader class that is capable of reading a specific format. I have no idea what this format is called but I do know exactly how it works so i will describe it below.
Each byte that makes up the value is flagged to indicate how the reader will need to behave next. The first byte has 2 flags, and any subsequent bytes for the value have only 1 flag.
First byte:
|||____|_ 6 bit value
||_______ flag: next byte required
|________ flag: signed value
Next bytes:
||_____|_ 7 bit value
|________ flag: next byte required
The first byte in the value has 2 flags, the first bit is if the value is positive or negative. The second bit is if another byte needs to be read. The 6 remaining bits is the value so far which will need to be kept for later.
If no more bytes need to be read then you just return the 6 bit value with the right sign as dictated by the first bit flag.
If another byte needs to be read then you read the first bit of that byte, and that will indicate if another byte needs to be read. The remaining 7 bits are the value here. That value will need to be joined with the 6 bit value from the first byte.
So in the case of the example above:
The first value was this: 01000111. Which means it is positive, another byte needs to be read, and the value so far is 000111.
Another byte is read and it is this: 00000011 Therefore no new bytes need to be read and value here is this: 0000011 That is joined onto the front of the value so far like so: 0000011000111
That is therefore the final value: 0000011000111 or 199
0100011100000011 turns into this: 0000011000111
Here is another example:
| || ||______|_____ Third Byte (1 flag)
| ||______|_____________ Second Byte (1 flag)
|______|_____________________ First Byte (2 flags)
First Byte:
0 - Positive
1 - Next Needed
100111 - Value
Second Byte:
1 - Next Needed
0001101 - Value
Third Byte:
0 - Next Not Needed
0000001 - Value
00000010001101100111 = 9063
Hopefully my explanation was clear :)
Now i need to be able to write a clear, simple and, and most importantly fast extension method for System.IO.BinaryReader to read such a value from a stream. My attempts so far are kind of bad and unnecessarily complicated involving boolean arrays and bitarrays.
Therefore I could really do with somebody helping me out with this in writing such a method, that would be really appreciated!
Thanks for reading.