So, I was making a platform for a suggestion channel. The idea was that there is a voting, and when it reaches a such cap, it auto accepts or rejects. I was also making staff can approve or reject. Well, i had a problem in this.
An image of this platform (I censored out the nicknames): The image
When it reaches the approve cap (10 white check marks), it is supposed to delete the embed and post a new one meaning that the suggestion is approved.
Reproducible sample of code:
client.on("messageReactionAdd", function (messageReaction, member) {
if ( return;
if ( == "516263179446124555") {
if ( == "✅") {
if (messageReaction.count >= 10) {"", {embed: {
title: "Suggestion Approved",
description: messageReaction.message.embeds[0].title + "\n" + messageReaction.message.embeds[0].description,
author: {
name: messageReaction.message.embeds[0],
icon_url: messageReaction.message.embeds[0].author.iconURL
color: 3394611,
footer: {
text: "Why: The message got 10 ✅ reactions."
if ( == "516258169035554817") {
if (messageReaction.count >= 8) {"", {embed: {
title: "Suggestion sent to Staff",
description: messageReaction.message.embeds[0].title + "\n" + messageReaction.message.embeds[0].description,
author: {
name: messageReaction.message.embeds[0],
icon_url: messageReaction.message.embeds[0].author.iconURL
color: 16764006,
footer: {
text: "Why: The message got 8 <:neutral:516258169035554817> reactions."
messageReaction.message.guild.channels.get("517331518843125760").send("", {embed: {
title: "Suggestion to check",
description: messageReaction.message.embeds[0].title + "\n" + messageReaction.message.embeds[0].description,
author: {
name: messageReaction.message.embeds[0],
icon_url: messageReaction.message.embeds[0].author.iconURL
color: 16764006,
footer: {
text: "Approving/disapproving this won't change the embed in <#516263179446124555>."
if ( == "516258587845328906") {
if (messageReaction.count >= 7) {"", {embed: {
title: "Suggestion Rejected",
description: messageReaction.message.embeds[0].title + "\n" + messageReaction.message.embeds[0].description,
author: {
name: messageReaction.message.embeds[0],
icon_url: messageReaction.message.embeds[0].author.iconURL
color: 16724736,
footer: {
text: "Why: The message got 7 <:bad:516258587845328906> reactions."
if ( == "☑") {
var staffMemberReacted = false;
messageReaction.message.guild.members.forEach(function(GuildMember) {
if (messageReaction.users.keyArray().includes(GuildMember.user) && (GuildMember.roles.has("501752627709870080") || GuildMember.roles.has("493436150019784704"))) {
staffMemberReacted = true;
console.log("reached manapprove")
if (staffMemberReacted) {"", {embed: {
title: "Suggestion Approved",
description: messageReaction.message.embeds[0].title + "\n" + messageReaction.message.embeds[0].description,
author: {
name: messageReaction.message.embeds[0],
icon_url: messageReaction.message.embeds[0].author.iconURL
color: 3394611,
footer: {
text: "Why: A owner or co-owner manually approved it."
if ( == "517327626373824522") {
var staffMemberReacted = false;
messageReaction.message.guild.members.forEach(function(GuildMember) {
if (messageReaction.users.keyArray().includes(GuildMember.user) && ( || GuildMember.roles.find)) {
staffMemberReacted = true;
if (staffMemberReacted) {"", {embed: {
title: "Suggestion Rejected",
description: messageReaction.message.embeds[0].title + "\n" + messageReaction.message.embeds[0].description,
author: {
name: messageReaction.message.embeds[0],
icon_url: messageReaction.message.embeds[0].author.iconURL
color: 16724736,
footer: {
text: "Why: A owner or co-owner manually rejected it."
When adding a console.log of it reaching, heroku logs don't put out anything. I was looking for the problem for over a hour.