How to get 200 status code in PS after checking a

2019-08-27 16:26发布


I'm trying to get a 200 status code for a URL but I keep getting 0 instead. The url works, but the problem is it's a redirected URL. Even if I try the final URL after it redirects it still shows me a 0 status code.

How can I get the correct status code for a website that's down or up regardless of whether it's been redirected or not?

This is what I have now which works fine for regular URL's like but not for redirected URL's. Unfortunately the urls I'm working with are private but it's in the format of which winds up at

If I run the PS script below with: .\CheckUrl.ps1 still fails to return a code of 200. The page comes up fine, whether I use the 1st url or the final redirected url but status code returns 0 which means it says the site is down and that's not true.

$url = $args[0]
function Get-WebStatus($url) {
    try {
        [Net.HttpWebRequest] $req = [Net.WebRequest]::Create($url)
        $req.Method = "HEAD"
        [Net.HttpWebResponse] $res = $req.GetResponse()
        if ($res.StatusCode -eq "200") {
            Write-Host "`nThe site $url is UP (Return code: $($res.StatusCode) - $([int] $res.StatusCode))`n"
        } else {
            Write-Host "`nThe site $url is DOWN (Return code: $($res.StatusCode) - $([int] $res.StatusCode))`n"
    } catch {
        Write-Host "`nThe site $url is DOWN (Return code: $($res.StatusCode) - $([int] $res.StatusCode))`n" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black
Get-WebStatus $url


Too long for a comment. Important: $res = $req.GetResponse() does not set any value into the $res variable in the catch case (the $res variable keeps unchanged).

#url1 = $args[0]
function Get-WebStatus($url) {
    try {
        $req = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($url)
        $req.Method    = "HEAD"
        $req.Timeout   = 30000
        $req.KeepAlive = $false
        $res = $req.GetResponse()
        if ($res.StatusCode.value__ -eq 200) {
            Write-Host ("`nThe site $url is UP (Return code: " + 
                "$($res.StatusCode) - " + 
                "$($res.StatusCode.value__))`n") -ForegroundColor Cyan
        } else {
            Write-Host ("`nThe site $url is DOWN (Return code: " +
                "$($res.StatusCode) - " + 
                "$($res.StatusCode.value__))`n") -ForegroundColor Yellow
    } catch {
        $res = $null  ### or ### [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::new()
        Write-Host ("`nThe site $url is DOWN " + 
            "($($error[0].Exception.InnerException.Message))`n") -Foreground Red
    $res    ### return a value
#Get-WebStatus $url1

Output examples:

Get-WebStatus ''
Get-WebStatus ''
Get-WebStatus ''
The site is DOWN (The remote server
 returned an error: (404) Not Found.)

The site is UP (Return code: OK - 200)

The site is DOWN (The operation has
 timed out)