Just a short question regarding multidimensional arrays in C#.
How can I check if one row of a multidimensional array contains a non-Zero value?
In Matlab, the "any"-command does exactly what I need.
Finally I need to put the request into a while condition. Means in Matlab: while(any(array[1,2,:])) --> which means: while(any-entry-of-the-row-is-not-Zero)...
I tried already the Array.Exists() or Array.Find() but it seems to work only with one-dimensional arrays.
You have a couple options
myMultiArray.Any(row => row.Contains(Something));
or as Sriram Sakthivel Suggested
foreach(var row in myMultiArray)
//Found it!
foreach(var row in myMultiArray)
if(row.IndexOf(Something) >= 0)
//Found it!
More spefically to your question
myMultiArray.Any(row => row.Any(cell => cell != 0));
foreach(var row in myMultiArray)
foreach(var cell in myMultiArray)
if(cell != 0)
//Found it!
for(int i = 0; i < array.GetLength(0); i++)
for(int j = 0; j < array.GetLength(1); j++)
if(array[i,j] != 0)
//Do Something
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