I've tried to include GData XML into my current project. So far without success, however, building fails due to an error of a kind that's out of my scope..:
Since I am building for iPhone (and iPhone Simulator, for the sake of completeness), I don't know why it cares about i386 anyway. But then again the whole matter of including libxml2 is a bit beyond my comfort zone - I'm doing this for the first time.
For setting up all the flags and search paths I was referring to Step 4 of this tutorial. I was unable to add the OTHER_CFLAGS flag, since a key of the same name exists in LLVM GCC 4.2 - Language already. So I tried to set it to -DDEBUG=1 there, but that didn't change anything.
So, how do I get things to work properly? It seems like documentation on GData XML is sparse - can you recommend any ressource that explains things better than the link I found?
Since koregan asked this in his comment, I'd like to add that it doesn't compile for iPhone Simulator and the actual device. If building for the device the error is a slightly different one (without the i386 part) however: