Hi I want get user location for every 5sec and user can change that duration like 10sec, 15sec upto 30sec i have spinner to choose this option
this is my request
private static final LocationRequest REQUEST = LocationRequest.create()
.setInterval(5000) // 5 seconds
.setFastestInterval(16) // 16ms = 60fps
this is initiate my start update
private void startPeriodicUpdates(int intervel) {
mLocationClient.requestLocationUpdates(REQUEST, this);
// mConnectionState.setText(R.string.location_requested);
I can pass user selected interval to startPeriodicUpdates() method like startPeriodicUpdates(5000), startPeriodicUpdates(15000). But they location update duration working fine 15sec and more than 15sec If i give 5sec or 10 sec the location update is running for every second
06-18 18:46:23.638: I/Location(2860): Location Changed Location[fused 65.966697,-18.533300 acc=4 et=+1h0m13s881ms alt=15.044444]
06-18 18:46:24.642: I/Location(2860): Location Changed Location[fused 65.966697,-18.533300 acc=4 et=+1h0m14s883ms alt=15.044444]
06-18 18:46:25.642: I/Location(2860): Location Changed Location[fused 65.966697,-18.533300 acc=4 et=+1h0m15s883ms alt=15.044444]
log show time interval for 23, 24, 25 please give your ideas.