I am trying to rotate a rectangle without using the rotate function, but instead using a matrix..I know how to rotate a line using a matrix but all my attempts to rotate a rectangle have failed.
I dont think this is use full but heres is my code that rotates the line.
float[][] rotation;
float[] position;
float theta = 180;
float pointX;
float pointY;
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
pointX = 0;
pointY = 0;
rotation = new float[2][2];
position = new float[8];
void draw() {
theta = mouseX;
position[0] = mouseY;
position[1] = mouseY;
position[2] = -mouseY;
position[3] = mouseY;
rotation[0][0] = cos(radians(theta));
rotation[0][1] = -sin(radians(theta));
rotation[1][0] = sin(radians(theta));
rotation[1][1] = cos(radians(theta));
float newpos[] = new float[8];
newpos[0] += position[0] * rotation[0][0];
newpos[1] += position[1] * rotation[0][1];
translate(width/2, height/2);
line(0, 0, pointX+newpos[0], pointY+newpos[1]);
line(0, 0, pointX+newpos[0] * -1, pointY+newpos[1] * -1);