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Using Memcache vs Memcached with PHP
Someone can explain me the difference between Memcache and Memcached in PHP environment?
What are the advantages of one over the other?
Can you also suggest the criteria used to choose between one or the other?
(PartlyStolen from ServerFault)
I think that both are functionally the same, but they simply have different authors, and the one is simply named more appropriately than the other.
Here is a quick backgrounder in naming conventions (for those unfamiliar), which explains the frustration by the question asker: For many *nix applications, the piece that does the backend work is called a "daemon" (think "service" in Windows-land), while the interface or client application is what you use to control or access the daemon. The daemon is most often named the same as the client, with the letter "d" appended to it. For example "imap" would be a client that connects to the "imapd" daemon.
This naming convention is clearly being adhered to by memcache when you read the introduction to the memcache module (notice the distinction between memcache and memcached in this excerpt):
Memcache module provides handy
procedural and object oriented
interface to memcached, highly
effective caching daemon, which was
especially designed to decrease
database load in dynamic web
The Memcache module also provides a
session handler (memcache).
More information about memcached can
be found at »
The frustration here is caused by the author of the PHP extension which was badly named memcached, since it shares the same name as the actual daemon called memcached. Notice also that in the introduction to memcached (the php module), it makes mention of libmemcached, which is the shared library (or API) that is used by the module to access the memcached daemon:
memcached is a high-performance,
distributed memory object caching
system, generic in nature, but
intended for use in speeding up
dynamic web applications by
alleviating database load.
This extension uses libmemcached
library to provide API for
communicating with memcached servers.
It also provides a session handler
Information about libmemcached can be
found at »
They are not identical. Memcache is older but it has some limitations. I was using just fine in my application until I realized you can't store literal FALSE
in cache. Value FALSE
returned from the cache is the same as FALSE returned when a value is not found in the cache. There is no way to check which is which. Memcached has additional method (among others) Memcached::getResultCode
that will tell you whether key was found.
Because of this limitation I switched to storing empty arrays instead of FALSE
in cache. I am still using Memcache, but I just wanted to put this info out there for people who are deciding.