SOLVED - see the end of this post.
When publishing Ivy publications individually, how can I then reference the collection in my subprojects section?
I'm working with tasks that build rpms inside a nested iteration - they look a bit like this:
def addWebServerTasks(aProject, hostId) {
aProject.with {
task "buildRpm_${hostId}"(type: Rpm, dependsOn: "templates_${hostId}") {
publishing.publications.create("${}-${hostId}", IvyPublication) {
artifact tasks."buildRpm_${hostId}".outputs.getFiles().getSingleFile()
This creates 8 RPMS with filenames in the format: subproject-env-region-hostname-version_branchname.rpm. Here's a sample:
I have declared a repository to publish to as below, but the URL it's trying to upload to does not match the RPM name.
subprojects {
publishing {
repositories {
ivy {
credentials {
username yumDeployUser
password yumDeployPassword
url yumRepo
For each RPM, I can see output like the following, where the RPM file name is not the same as the one created on the filesystem - in fact, for all of the above RPMs, it tries to upload to the same path.
Upload https://artifactrepository/artifactory/yum/foo/myproject/web-server-config/1.1.0-feature_yum-upload-SNAPSHOT/web-server-config-1.1.0-feature_yum-upload-SNAPSHOT.rpm
What's missing is the "env-region-hostname" part of the filename. Why is this being dropped?
NOTE: I'm attempting to follow the publishing solution from (the accepted answer to) Upload an RPM to Artifactory from Gradle
SOLUTION: According to the Gradle documentation, there should be a [originalname] built-in pattern available, but it doesn't seem to be implemented. As a workaround, override and then use the [module] pattern as follows:
def rpmFile = tasks."buildRpm_${hostId}".outputs.getFiles().getSingleFile()
publishing.publications.create("${}-${hostId}", IvyPublication) {
artifact rpmFile
module rpmFile.getName()
And then your publishing section should look like this:
publishing {
repositories {
ivy {
credentials {
username "${citiEarUser}"
password "${citiEarPassword}"
url "${yumRepo}"
layout 'pattern', {
artifact "[module]"