Problem Question,
I have a custom datepicker directive and want to link ng-model to it in the view.
<div my-date-picker ng-model="date">
the ng-model {{date}} does not display can anyone please tell me what i am doing wrong
I have plunker created
you are using <div my-date-picker ng-model="date">
datepicker dirctive
that means your going to replace inside of this div, by the template in the directive so your {{ Date }}
is no longer there its replaced by the template.
if u put {{ Date }}
outside of the div it will work
and note that model is not date
it should be Date
coz the model name of the input is Date
check the directive template
template: '<input class="dateInput" is-open="openthis.isOpened" type="text" datepicker-popup="dd-MM-yyyy" ng-model="Date" ng-required="true" />'
working plunker
OR you can add {{ Date }}
to the directive template
template: '<input class="dateInput" is-open="openthis.isOpened" type="text" datepicker-popup="dd-MM-yyyy" ng-model="Date" ng-required="true" />' +
'<span ng-click="open($event)" class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar calImage"></span>'+
'<h2>{{ Date }}</h2>',