I have a long-running application that uses FederatedAuthentication with Azure AD to manage claims-based identities. My application manifest is set to list all SecurityGroups for a user (so I can walk the list of groups they are members of).
Within that application I have a user that is a member of a single top-level group. That group is not a member of any other. Previously, when the user logged in, there would be only a single http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/groups
value attached to their ClaimsPrincipal, correctly displaying the single group they are a member of.
As of recently (past few days) when my user logs in, there are two http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/groups
values. One of these still corresponds to the group they are a member of, but the new one does not match the id of any visible group in my active directory (or any other object that I can see: no application ID, and no other user ID).
Where could this phantom group membership have come from, and is there any way I can remove it?
Update - groupMembershipClaims
in the Application manifest is set to SecurityGroup
(not All