I have a many to many relationship between
Portfolio and PortfolioTags
A portfolio Item can have many PortfolioTags
I am looking at the best way of saving tags to a portfolio item. My Nhibnerate maps are like so:
public class PortfolioMap : ClassMap<Portfolio> {
public PortfolioMap() {
Id(x => x.Id).GeneratedBy.Identity().Column("Id");
Map(x => x.AliasTitle).Column("AliasTitle").Not.Nullable();
Map(x => x.MetaDescription).Column("MetaDescription").Not.Nullable();
Map(x => x.Title).Column("Title").Not.Nullable();
Map(x => x.Client).Column("Client").Not.Nullable();
Map(x => x.Summary).Column("Summary").Not.Nullable();
Map(x => x.Url).Column("Url");
Map(x => x.MainImage).Column("MainImage");
Map(x => x.TitleAlt).Column("TitleAlt");
Map(x => x.Description).Column("Description").Not.Nullable();
HasMany(x => x.PortfolioImage).KeyColumn("PortfolioId").Inverse();
HasMany(x => x.PortfolioTag).KeyColumn("PortfolioId").Cascade.All().Table("PortfolioTag").Inverse();
public class PortfoliotagMap : ClassMap<Portfoliotag> {
public PortfoliotagMap() {
Id(x => x.Id).GeneratedBy.Identity().Column("Id");
References(x => x.Portfolio).Column("PortfolioId");
References(x => x.Tag).Column("TagId");
public class TagMap : ClassMap<Tag>
public TagMap() {
Id(x => x.TagId).GeneratedBy.Identity().Column("TagId");
Map(x => x.TagVal).Column("Tag").Not.Nullable();
HasManyToMany(x => x.Portfolio).Table("PortfolioTag").ParentKeyColumn("TagId").ChildKeyColumn("PortfolioId").Inverse();
In my portfolio controller I am first trying to save my tags that do not exist. I tried using SaveOrUpdate on a tag repository. However as the ids are different multiple save of tags occurs at this point.
I thought about the following steps but it seems long winded:
1) getting all tags: var tags = _tagRepository.GetAll();
2) Iterating over the tags from the item to save and seeing if they exist in the database. If so I would need to get the tag and associate with the portfolio item. If not i would need to save the tag one by one and then associate with the portfolio item.
var tags = _tagRepository.GetAll();
foreach (var tagInPortfolio in StringUtilities.SplitToList(model.Tags, new[] { ',' }))
// tag does not exist so save it
if (tags.Any(i => i.TagVal == tagInPortfolio))
_tagRepository.SaveOrUpdate(new Tag {TagVal = tagInPortfolio});
3) I then need to delete any relationships i.e. tags to portfolio items that dont exist.
4) Finally need to add the tag to to the portfolioTag. I would need to get all the tags again and then associate:
portfolio.PortfolioTag.Add(new Portfoliotag {Portfolio = portfolio, Tag = tag});
This seems to long winded. Can anyone explain the most simplest way of doing this please.
I have looked at saveandcommit on tags but i get multiple inserts because of ids being different. Do I need to delete all existing tag relationships also as this seems to much logic for something simple.
Create now works with a commit -
public void CreateCommit(T entity)
using (ITransaction transaction = Session.BeginTransaction())
However using the below and the above maps still meant duplicates where occurring in the tag table. So if one portfolio record added a tag like abc and another portfolio record added a tag abc i need the join table to reference the same record in the tag and not create another instance of abc. Do i need to do a lookup on the tag table to avoid this
public void UpdateCommit(T entity)
using (ITransaction transaction = Session.BeginTransaction())