I have a requirement where my scheduler will run twice in a day. One in the morning and a second time in evening. When I run my current code it stores the file in a folder.
So again when I run the same application in the evening what happens is that the same file which is saved earlier in the morning is getting updated again which I don't want to happen. I want to save both the files. So what should I do?
Below is my current code. Please give me suggestions
public void ExportExcel(string strWorkbookName, DataSet ds)
string strDateFolder = "";
string strFileName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FileName"].ToString();
using (XLWorkbook wb = new XLWorkbook())
strDateFolder = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy");
if (Directory.Exists(strDateFolder))
wb.SaveAs(ConfigurationRead.GetAppSetting("ReportDirectory") + "\\" + strDateFolder + "\\" + strFileName);
catch (Exception)
Also, I want to delete the folder created after 7 days..Is that also possible ?