I'm creating a protractor project and I need to set up the dependencies in the npm package.json
On my course my trainer has a window machine, I have a mac book and I am having problems finding the .bin folder so I can find the correct node to start protractor
I did
cd/documents/ls/cd JSworkspace/ls/my_project/ls/node_modules/ls
I was expecting to find the .bin folder
....but I can't find it anywhere.
I don't know where to find the .bin folder and I would really appreciate your help. As I am looking for the webdriver manager file in the .bin folder
thanks a million
This is currently in my node_modules folder
@types jasmine
adm-zip jasmine-core
agent-base jasminewd2
ajv jsbn
ansi-regex json-schema
ansi-styles json-schema-traverse
array-union json-stringify-safe
array-uniq jsprim
arrify jszip
asn1 lie
assert-plus mime-db
asynckit mime-types
aws-sign2 minimatch
aws4 minimist
balanced-match ms
bcrypt-pbkdf oauth-sign
blocking-proxy object-assign
brace-expansion once
browserstack optimist
caseless os-tmpdir
chalk pako
co path-is-absolute
combined-stream path-is-inside
concat-map performance-now
core-js pify
core-util-is pinkie
dashdash pinkie-promise
debug process-nextick-args
del protractor
delayed-stream psl
ecc-jsbn punycode
es6-promise q
es6-promisify qs
escape-string-regexp readable-stream
exit request
extend rimraf
extsprintf safe-buffer
fast-deep-equal safer-buffer
fast-json-stable-stringify saucelabs
forever-agent sax
form-data selenium-webdriver
fs.realpath semver
getpass source-map
glob source-map-support
globby sshpk
har-schema string_decoder
har-validator strip-ansi
has-ansi supports-color
http-signature tmp
https-proxy-agent tough-cookie
immediate tunnel-agent
inflight tweetnacl
inherits util-deprecate
ini uuid
is-path-cwd verror
is-path-in-cwd webdriver-js-extender
is-path-inside wordwrap
is-typedarray wrappy
isarray xml2js
isstream xmlbuilder