TreeView - Node not expanding

2019-08-26 22:05发布


I have a TreeView with several nodes and if a special node (you will see in code) is deleted, the parent node should be expanded after updating the TreeView.

Here's how I tried it:

public void Remove(){
    else if ((NodeType)n.Tag == NodeType.Attribute) //Here I simply check if it's the "special" parent
       Commands.CommandAttributeRemove cmd = (Commands.CommandAttributeRemove)mAppData.CommandFactory.Create("AttributeRemove");
       cmd.Data = n.Text;
       cmd.ObjectClass = mObjectClass;
       cmd.ObjectTypeName = n.Parent.Parent.Text;
       mNodeToExpand = mTreeView.SelectedNode.Parent; //THIS LINE IS IMPORTANT... mNodeToExpand is a member variable which I use in UpdateData()

public void UpdateData()
       … //A lot of not so important stuff happening here (at least not important for what I want, I think)
        //Update Selected Items (for the case that objects were deleted) and UpdateSelection


Now that's interesting stuff:

   if (mNodeToExpand != null)
            mNodeToExpand = null;

This is how I tried to achieve what I want, but the node doesn't expand (it still has other children).

In the Remove() I also tried mTreeView.SelectedNode.Parent.Nodes.Add(new Node("Blabla")); but it doesn't even add a node.

And in the if(mNodeToExpand!=null) I also try to set the selectedNode to mNodeToExpand, but it gives me a NullReferenceException EVEN THOUGH I CHECK IF IT'S NULL IN THE IF. WHY?


This can't freaking be it. FullPath is apparently the path of the node in the treeview, so for example if you have Node2 which is a sub-node of Node1, then the FullPath of Node1 is "Node1" and of Node2 "Node1//Node2" … Now the thing is that FOR SOME WEIRD REASON my mNodeToExpand loses the Information of FullPath and suddenly it's only "Node2" instead of "Node1//Node2"... Because of that it isn't expanded cause the TreeView doesn't find a node with this FullPath… Now what I did is that I stored the FullPath in a string and when I want to expand it I search for the node with this FullPath and then expand what is returned. This is so stupid, cause imagine a list of 1 000 000 nodes. This could take very long. I'm starting to really dislike this Crownwoods.DotNetMagic library but it's already existing Code I'm working on.