I have the following paramObj and dbQuery
paramObj = {
email: newUser.email,
mobilenumber: newUser.telephone,
password: newUser.password,
category: newUser.category,
name: newUser.name,
confirmuid: verificationHash,
confirmexpire: expiryDate.valueOf(),
rewardPoints: 0,
emailconfirmed: 'false',
paramVehicles: makeVehicleArray,
paramVehicleProps: vehiclePropsArray
dbQuery = `CREATE (user:Person:Owner {email:$email})
SET user += apoc.map.clean(paramObj,
WITH user, $paramVehicles AS vehicles
UNWIND vehicles AS vehicle
MATCH(v:Vehicles {name:vehicle})
CREATE UNIQUE (user)-[r:OWNS {since: timestamp()}]->(v)
RETURN user,r,v`;
Then I tried to execute
.run(dbQuery, paramObj)
.then(newUser => {
if (!newUser.records[0]) {........
I am getting
Error: {"code":"Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError","name":"Neo4jError"}
which doesn't direct me anywhere. Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong here?
This is actually the first time I am using the query format .run(dbQuery, paramObj)
but this format is critical to my use case. I am using Neo4j 3.4.5 community with apoc plugin installed.
Ok...so I followed @inversFalcon suggestion to test in browser and came up with following parameters and query that closely match the ones above:
:params paramObj:[{ email:"xyz123@abc.com", mobilenumber:"8711231234",password:"password1", category:"Owner",name:"Michaell",vehicles:["Toyota","BMW","Nissan"],vehicleProps: [] }]
and query
CREATE (user:Person:Owner {email:$email})
SET user += apoc.map.clean($paramObj, ["email","vehicles","vehicleProps"],[])
WITH user, $vehicles AS vehicles
UNWIND vehicles AS vehicle
MATCH(v:Vehicles {name:vehicle})
MERGE (user)-[r:OWNS {since: timestamp()}]->(v)
RETURN user,r,v;
Now I get Neo.ClientError.Statement.TypeError: Can't coerce `List{Map{name -> String("Michaell"), vehicles -> List{String("Toyota"), String("BMW"), String("Nissan")},.......
I also reverted to neo4j 3.2 (re: an earlier post by Mark Needham) and got the same error.