I'm working on a question that simply states to make an GUI that looks like This calculator, it doesn't have to function, just look like it. So I think I have the JPanel
and JButton
components right but I can't organize the fields to make it come out right. I'm pretty new so any crash course on how to organize a GUI would be appreciated.
Here's what I have so far:
// Using a JPanel to help lay out components.
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
public class Calculator extends JFrame
private final JPanel buttonJPanel2, buttonJPanel3, buttonJPanel4,
buttonJPanel5; // panel to hold buttons
private final JButton[] buttons3, buttons4, buttons5;
private final JButton[] buttons2;
private final JTextField buttonJPanel1;
// no-argument constructor
public Calculator()
buttonJPanel1 = new JTextField();
add(buttonJPanel1, BorderLayout.NORTH); // add panel1 to JFrame
buttons2 = new JButton[4];
buttons2[0] = new JButton("7");
buttons2[1] = new JButton("8");
buttons2[2] = new JButton("9");
buttons2[3] = new JButton("/");
buttonJPanel2 = new JPanel();
buttonJPanel2.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, buttons2.length));
add(buttonJPanel2, BorderLayout.AFTER_LAST_LINE); // add panel2 to JFrame
buttons3 = new JButton[4];
buttons3[0] = new JButton("4");
buttons3[1] = new JButton("5");
buttons3[2] = new JButton("6");
buttons3[3] = new JButton("*");
buttonJPanel3 = new JPanel();
buttonJPanel3.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, buttons3.length));
add(buttonJPanel3, BorderLayout.AFTER_LAST_LINE); // add panel3 to JFrame
buttons4 = new JButton[4];
buttons4[0] = new JButton("1");
buttons4[1] = new JButton("2");
buttons4[2] = new JButton("3");
buttons4[3] = new JButton("-");
buttonJPanel4 = new JPanel();
buttonJPanel4.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, buttons4.length));
add(buttonJPanel4, BorderLayout.AFTER_LAST_LINE); // add panel4 to JFrame
buttons5 = new JButton[4];
buttons2[0] = new JButton("0");
buttons5[1] = new JButton(".");
buttons5[2] = new JButton("=");
buttons5[3] = new JButton("+");
buttonJPanel5 = new JPanel();
buttonJPanel5.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, buttons5.length));
add(buttonJPanel5, BorderLayout.AFTER_LAST_LINE); // add panel5 to
public static void main(String[] args)
PanelFrame panelFrame = new PanelFrame();
panelFrame.setSize(700, 500);
} // end class PanelFrame