currently the date displayed in the page that uses category list is like this 31/05/13 .. how do i change it into Friday, 22 March 2013.. ive already tried changing the en-GB.ini file but to no avail.. btw..i use the blog layout
Copy layouts/joomla/content/info_block/publish_date.php
to templates/<your_template>/html/layouts/joomla/content/info_block/publish_date.php
and edit as you like (you can copy modify_date.php
and create_date.php
as well). In your case it's sufficient to replace DATE_FORMAT_LC3
Just use a Language Override
For Joomla 3.x Language Manager -> Overrides -> NEW Language Constant: DATE_FORMAT_LC3 Text: F j, Y
This would produce as an example October 23, 2013
Date formats info can be found at
For Joomla 2.5.x Language Constant is DATE_FORMAT_LC2
Use the language override in Joomla 3+ to avoid conflicts in the future. Go to Extensions/Language Manager, then click the "Overrides" menu on the left. Once inside, click the "New" button on the top left, then perform a search for the date format. For blogs, I'm guessing you'll need to search for "DATE_FORMAT_LC3" in the search filter (right side of screen), but you may need to experiment. Edit the settings on the left once you've selected the appropriate field to edit, then click save. You'll probably want to change it to something like "l, d F Y" (don't use quotes). See for more possibilities.