
Schema.net - How to build using VB

2019-08-26 14:03发布


I'm trying to implement Structured Data on my website. I pulled Schema.net into my Project, and am trying to implment.

I'm completely confused on how to implement some data types and am looking for help. Here's the Schema website, with examples in C#:


I am able to setup several tags in VB:

 Dim website As New WebSite()
        website.AlternateName = "An Alternative Name"
        website.Version = "1"
        website.Headline = "title"
        website.Genre = "Music"

    dim jsonLd = website.ToString()

My problem is that I need to use some other tags, that are very confusing. Example:

website.DateCreated '
website.author 'As New Values(Of Organization, Person) 

website.datecreated is defined as (New OneOrMany(Of DateTimeOffset?))

website.author is defined as (As New Values(Of Organization, Person))

Question: How do I write a value into both items?


Answered here: How to assign data to OneOrMany(Of DateTimeOffset?) Data structure