I have a graph in Neo4j in which nodes represent random points in the plane, each node having the coordinates stored as properties (x and y, the value type is double
I create the nodes and index them:
IndexManager index = graph.index();
Index<Node> nodesIndex = index.forNodes("points");
for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
Point p = points[i];
Node n;
Transaction tx = graph.beginTx();
try {
n = graph.createNode();
n.setProperty("x", p.getX());
n.setProperty("y", p.getY());
nodesIndex.add(n, "x", new ValueContext(p.getX()).indexNumeric());
nodesIndex.add(n, "y", new ValueContext(p.getY()).indexNumeric());
} finally {
Now, what I need to do, is query for the nodes which are in a square area. So for example I made this query:
http://localhost:7474/db/data/index/node/points?query=x:[0.0 TO 3.0] AND y:[0.0 TO 3.0]
And this is the response:
y 1.0
x 14.0
Node info
self /db/data/node/10
y 1.0
x 2.0
Node info
self /db/data/node/7
y 1.0
x 6.0
Node info
self /db/data/node/8
y 1.0
x 7.0
Node info
self /db/data/node/9
As you see it is not working. And I don't understand why (maybe I need to configure the index?).
Note that I haven't got to use Lucene. If there is a way to gather that information with Cypher (starting from a node centered in the square area) would be actually better, for I also need the relationships between the nodes found.
Additional informations If that matters, the graph represents a Delaunay triangolation on a random set of points on the plane. In more abstract terms, I need to "extract" the entire subgraph that lays in a given area.
Any help is really appreciated!