
TYPO3 Service Unavailable (503) standard error aft

2019-08-26 09:26发布


I installed a copy of a TYPO3 project. So, I'm using an existing TYPO3 database.

When running the home page of the site, I get the 'standard error':

Service Unavailable (503)
The page is not configured! [type=0][]. This means that there is no TypoScript object of type PAGE with typeNum=0 configured.
More information regarding this error might be available online.

which refers to following site: https://wiki.typo3.org/Exception/CMS/1294587217

But when I modify the setup of the template of the root as given in the link. I get an empty page with "HELLO WORLD" and the whole website is gone.

The old root setup code was:

config.contentObjectExceptionHandler = 0
page.meta.description.data = page:description
page.meta.keywords.data = page:keywords 

How can I solve this problem without losing the rest of the website? Using TYPO3 8.7


In addition to the copied database, did you also copy all installed extensions in directory typo3conf/ext/? And are these extensions active in your Extension Manager?

It is possible that your website templates and configurations were stored in a custom extension and were then included as a so-called Static Template.

  1. Copy the needed extension(s), if not yet available in your website copy.
  2. Activate the extensions in the backend module ADMIN TOOLS > Extensions.
  3. Include the Static TypoScript templates in your root TypoScript record: tab Includes, field Include static (from extensions).

To activate an extension, click the button on the left of your extension list (box symbol with plus sign).

Also, updating an extension in the Extension Manager will only work for public extensions in the TYPO3 Extension Repository, e.g. a news system. Your template extension (a so-called Sitepackage) will only be stored locally.

Read here more about Sitepackages in TYPO3.


Since you are saying you copied a TYPO3 project, that means that it already has a TypoScript configuration. You will have to find where it is defined and edit the paths accordingly.

If you are using TYPO3v9 then you should include the path to your TypoScript configuration with the following:

If you are using an own extension (Edit the path to the actual Typoscript configuration):

@import 'EXT:your_extension_base/Configuration/TypoScript/Setup.typoscript'

If the TypoScript takes place on the fileadmin (Edit the path to the actual Typoscript configuration):

@import 'fileadmin/Files/Configuration/TypoScript/Setup.typoscript'

If you are using TYPO3 v7 - v8 - v9 you can include your TypoScript like this:

If you are using an own extension (Edit the path to the actual Typoscript configuration):

<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:my_extension/Configuration/TypoScript/user.ts>
<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="DIR:EXT:my_extension/Configuration/TypoScript" extensions="typoscript">

If the TypoScript takes place on the fileadmin (Edit the path to the actual Typoscript configuration):

<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="DIR:fileadmin/templates/" extensions="ts">
<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="DIR:fileadmin/templates/" extensions="typoscript">
<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:fileadmin/html/mainmenu_typoscript.txt">

The extension .typoscript it is supported from TYPO3 8 and up.

Like @sebklin suggested, since there is not such line as I posted in the old TYPO3 installation, then the configuration is indeed in a custom extension. Just copy / download the extension from the other TYPO3 installation and include the static templates. By including those templates you say to TYPO3 that it should take the extension’s TypoScript into consideration.

+1 to @sebklin ‘s answer. That is something that a lot of people fail to check when something like that happens.