I am running several python scripts via rundeck (in-line) on windows 2012 target node. These scripts used to run locally but now in the process of moving to rundeck.
One of the python scripts opens subprocess to invoke a powershell script and read the output.
import subprocess
CMD = [r'C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe ', '-File', r'C:\Users\Osman\Code\mop.ps1']
cmd = CMD[:]
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
r = p.communicate()
The mop.ps1 is
Import-Module MSOnline
$domain = $args[0]
$login = $args[1]
$pass = $args[2]
$EPass = $pass | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($login, $EPass)
Connect-MsolService -Credential $Cred
$TenantId = Get-MsolPartnerContract -Domain $domain | Select-Object -ExpandProperty TenantId
Get-MsolAccountSKU -TenantId $TenantId | select SkuPartNumber,ActiveUnits,ConsumedUnits | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation
This part of the code always fails to execute and if I check stderr it says:
Connect-MsolService : Exception of type 'Microsoft.Online.Administration.Automation.MicrosoftOnlineException' was thrown.
At C:\Users\Osman\Code\mop.ps1:7 char:1
+ Connect-MsolService -Credential $Cred
I'm not sure why it fails. I tried
Import-Module MSOnline -Verbose
And I can see Cmdlets being loaded. I tried creating profile.ps1 file in C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\
Everything works fine if I execute the code locally. I tried running a regular test .ps1 file 'disk.ps1' instead of my code, and that works fine because it doesn't load any modules:
get-WmiObject win32_logicaldisk -Computername $env:computername
What's the workaround to get a script with module to run properly? stdout is always empty.
Node is registered as 64 bit so I tried changing the cmd to
I tried to copy profile.ps1 there, copied the Module there but still doesn't work via rundeck.