I want to store results from Coverity® to InfluxDB and I was wondering does Coverity have REST API?
If you're only trying to dump data to InfluxDB, you can curl data from REST API and insert resulting json to the database. I do something similar, but in CSV format.
- Create a view in coverity 'Issues: By Snapshot' that contains all your defects.
Curl data from coverity view
json format curl --user <userid>:<password> "http://<coverity_url>/api/viewContents/issues/v1/<View Name>?projectId=<project ID>&rowCount=-1" csv format curl --header "Accept: text/csv" --user <userid>:<password> "http://<coverity_url>/api/viewContents/issues/v1/<View Name>?projectId=<project ID>&rowCount=-1"
Example: If you created a view 'My Defects' in project 'My Project' the command would be
curl --user <userid>:<password> "http://<coverity_url>/api/viewContents/issues/v1/My%20Defects?projectId=My%20Project&rowCount=-1"
In above URL:
%20 -- URL encoded space
rowcount=-1 -- Download all rows in view. You can set it to desired limit.
Not really, no.
There is a very limited REST api but it only covers a few very specific things. I'd recommend you use cov-manage-im
where you can and only use the SOAP API if you need something more.