could someone give me a hint, howto serve the current directory from command line with ruby? it would be great, if i can have some system wide configuration (e.g. mime-types) and simply launch it from every directory.
Simplest way possible (thanks Aaron Patterson/n0kada):
ruby -run -e httpd . -p 9090
Alternate, more complex way:
ruby -r webrick -e "s = => 9090, :DocumentRoot => Dir.pwd); trap('INT') { s.shutdown }; s.start"
Even the first command is hard to remember, so I just have this in my .bashrc
function serve {
ruby -run -e httpd . -p $port
It serves the current directory on port 3000 by default, but you can also specify the port:
~ $ cd tmp
~/tmp $ serve # ~/tmp served on port 3000
~/tmp $ cd ../www
~/www $ serve 5000 # ~/www served on port 5000
As Aaron Patterson tweeted it out today you can do:
ruby -run -e httpd . -p 5000
And you can set the bind address as well by adding -b
Works with Ruby 1.9.2 and greater.
I've never seen anything as compact as
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
for Ruby, Chris' answer shows up several times on Google.
require 'webrick'
include WEBrick
s = => 9090, :DocumentRoot => Dir::pwd)
trap("INT"){ s.shutdown }
Use ruby gem Serve.
To install on your system, run gem install serve
To serve a directory, simply cd to the directory and run serve
Default port is 4000. It can also serve things like ERB, HAML, Slim and SASS.
Web Server in 1 line
This may or may not be quite what you want but it's so cool that I just had to share it.
I've used this in the past to serve the file system. Perhaps you could modify it or just accept that it serves everything.
ruby -rsocket -e '**5);loop{_=s.accept;_<<"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n#{[1])rescue nil}";_.close}'
I found it here
You can use the sinatra
gem, though it doesn't do any directory listing for you, it serves files:
require 'sinatra' # gem
set :public_folder, '.'
then run that as a file, if in 1.8 add require 'rubygems' to the top first.
After running it then url's like
should resolve to "./file_name" file.
http://localhost:4567 won't work however, since it doesn't "do" directory listings. See for a workaround there.
python3 -m http.server
or if you don't want to use the default port 8000
python3 -m http.server 3333
or if you want to allow connections from localhost only
python3 -m http.server --bind
See the docs.