Aurelia - Trouble with custom-element

2019-08-26 03:22发布



I have an app.html that has two custom-elements:

    <require from="../navmenu/navmenu.html"></require>
    <require from="./app.css"></require>
    <!--We want the nav bar to span the page-->
    <div class="container-fluid">
        <navmenu router.bind="router"></navmenu>
    <!--We want the media to centre so we use just container-->
    <div class="container">
        <div className='col-sm-12'>
            <div className='row'>

The router is bound to the navmenu and so I have routing.

Because I have the following require with the extension .html:

<require from="../navmenu/navmenu.html"></require>

I do not have access to my viewmodel.

If I change the require by removing the .html I loose all my navbar items.

My navbar.ts is:

import { autoinject, bindable, bindingMode } from "aurelia-framework";
import { LoggedInService } from "../components/auth/LoggedInService";
import { customElement } from "aurelia-templating";

export class Navmenu {

    @bindable public isLoggedIn: boolean = false;
    @bindable public userName: string = 'anonymous';

    constructor(public loggedInService: LoggedInService) {
        this.isLoggedIn = loggedInService.isAuthenticated();
        this.userName = loggedInService.getUserName();

I have added "@binding" to the two variables I want to use but I have no access to them. I have looked at the guide for custom-elements but they are indicating I need to import

How do I access those variables without screwing up my navbar items? or..

How do I access the navmenu viewmodel when the view has been referenced with ".html".

Here is my navmenu.html:

<template bindable="router">
    <require from="./navmenu.css"></require>
    <div class="main-nav">
        <div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
            <div class="navbar-header">
                <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">
                    <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
                    <span class="icon-bar"></span>
                    <span class="icon-bar"></span>
                    <span class="icon-bar"></span>
                <a class="navbar-brand" href="#/home">Jobsledger.API</a>
            <div class="navbar-collapse collapse">

                <ul class="nav navbar-nav">

                    <li repeat.for="row of router.navigation" class="${ row.isActive ? 'link-active' : '' }">
                        <a href.bind="row.href" if.bind="!row.settings.nav">${ row.title }</a>

                        <a href.bind="row.href" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"
                            <span class="caret"></span>

                        <ul if.bind="row.settings.nav" class="dropdown-menu">
                            <li repeat.for="menu of row.settings.nav">
                                <a href.bind="menu.href">${menu.title}</a>
    LoggedIn Value: ${ isLoggedIn }


you need to load your navbar as

<require from="../navmenu/navmenu"></require>

and inject your router to viewmodel

import { autoinject, bindable, bindingMode } from "aurelia-framework"
import { LoggedInService } from "../components/auth/LoggedInService"
import { Router } from 'aurelia-router'

export class NavMenu {
    loggedInService: LoggedInService
    router: Router

    @bindable isLoggedIn: boolean = false
    @bindable userName: string = 'anonymous'

    constructor(loggedInService: LoggedInService, router: Router ) {
        this.isLoggedIn = loggedInService.isAuthenticated()
        this.userName = loggedInService.getUserName()
        this.router = router

remove bindable="router" from <template> tag

you can also make router another @bindable in your viewmodel where you dont need to inject Router, but that's for you to try if the above doesnt work for you.


You have to import the viewmodel if you want to use any javascript, so in your case, using <require from="../navmenu/navmenu"></require> is the correct approach.

I think you have misunderstood the meaning of @bindable(). @bindable() means that you can bind that value when you create the element, like so:

<navmenu username.bind=""></navmenu>

Any property declared as public in your viewmodel can be accessed by your view:

export class Navmenu {

    public isLoggedIn: boolean = false;
    public userName: string = 'anonymous';

    constructor(public loggedInService: LoggedInService) {
        this.isLoggedIn = loggedInService.isAuthenticated();
        this.userName = loggedInService.getUserName();

  <span>${userName} is logged in: ${isLoggedIn}</span>

If you want to inject your router into your viewmodel, you shouldn't use viewmodel binding like you did in your example. You can simply inject the router using dependency injection:

import { Router } from "aurelia-routing";
import { autoinject } from "aurelia-framework";
import { LoggedInService } from "../components/auth/LoggedInService";
import { customElement } from "aurelia-templating";

export class Navmenu {

        public isLoggedIn: boolean = false;
        public userName: string = 'anonymous';

            public loggedInService: LoggedInService,
            public router: Router) {
            this.isLoggedIn = loggedInService.isAuthenticated();
            this.userName = loggedInService.getUserName();

And then access it in your viewmodel and/or view.


you need to add a bindable router to your viewmodel

import { bindable, autoinject } from "aurelia-framework";
import { Router } from 'aurelia-router';

export class navmenuCustomElement {
@bindable router: Router;