In my javaFx app I'm trying to attach my progress bar to a task which is supposed to execute some methods from another class, I cannot seem to get the task to run through these methods when i click the button for this task.
This is my search page controller for two words inputted by user
FXML Controller class
public class WordComparePageController implements Initializable {
private TextField wordOneText;
private TextField wordTwoText;
private Button pairSearchButton;
private TextField wordPairText;
WordNetMeasures wordNetMeasures = new WordNetMeasures();
private double distance;
private double linDistance;
private double leskDistance;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.0000");
DecimalFormat pf = new DecimalFormat("#.0");
private ProgressBar progressBar;
private ProgressIndicator progressIndicator;
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {}
Binds progress bar too task
private void onSearchButtonClicked(ActionEvent event) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
Thread th = new Thread(taskPS);
Task<Void> taskPS = new Task<Void>() {
protected Void call() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
updateProgress(0, 1);
distance = wordNetMeasures.searchForWord(wordOneText.getText(), wordTwoText.getText());
linDistance = wordNetMeasures.linMethod(wordOneText.getText(), wordTwoText.getText());
leskDistance = wordNetMeasures.leskMethod(wordOneText.getText(), wordTwoText.getText());
updateProgress(1, 40);
System.out.println("Distance: = " + ProjectProperties.getInstance().getPathResult());
ProjectProperties.getInstance().setWordText(wordOneText.getText() + "," + wordTwoText.getText());
String wordNetDistance = String.valueOf(df.format(distance));
ProjectProperties.getInstance().setLeskWordNetText((String.valueOf(df.forma t(leskDistance))));
updateProgress(40, 70);
Database databaseConnection = new Database();
try {
databaseConnection.addWordNetToDatabase(ProjectProperties.getInstance().getWordText(), distance, linDistance, leskDistance);
updateProgress(100, 100);
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(WordComparePageController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return null;
Class with the wordnet measure methods for the task
public class WordNetMeasures {
private static ILexicalDatabase db = new NictWordNet();
private static RelatednessCalculator[] rcs = {
new HirstStOnge(db), new LeacockChodorow(db), new Lesk(db), new WuPalmer(db),
new Resnik(db), new JiangConrath(db), new Lin(db), new Path(db)
private static RelatednessCalculator pathMethod = new Path(db);
private static RelatednessCalculator linMethod = new Lin(db);
private static RelatednessCalculator leskMethod = new Resnik(db);
private static double distance;
private static double linDistance;
private static double leskDistance;
public static double searchForWord(String word1, String word2) {
RelatednessCalculator rc = pathMethod;
distance = rc.calcRelatednessOfWords(word1, word2);
return distance;
public static double linMethod(String word1, String word2) {
RelatednessCalculator rc = linMethod;
linDistance = rc.calcRelatednessOfWords(word1, word2);
return linDistance;
public static double leskMethod(String word1, String word2) {
RelatednessCalculator rc = leskMethod;
leskDistance = rc.calcRelatednessOfWords(word1, word2);
return leskDistance;
* Gets the ontology path for the word passed in
* @param word
* @return
* @throws JWNLException
public String[] getWordNetPath(String word) throws JWNLException {
String[] wordResults = new String[500];
RiWordnet wordnet = new RiWordnet();
String[] posOfWord = wordnet.getPos(word);
int[] wordIds = wordnet.getSenseIds(word, posOfWord[0]);
wordResults = wordnet.getHypernymTree(wordIds[0]);
return wordResults;
* Gets the set of synsets for the word passed in
* @param word
* @return
public String[] getWordNetSynset(String word) {
RiWordnet wordnet = new RiWordnet();
String[] posOfWord = wordnet.getPos(word);
int[] wordIds = wordnet.getSenseIds(word, posOfWord[0]);
String[] wordResults = wordnet.getSynset(wordIds[0]);
return wordResults;