I am learning to use the ContentType framework and need some help raising an exception for get_object_for_this_type()
According to the code:
Returns an object of this type for the keyword arguments given. Basically, this is a proxy around this object_type's get_object() model method. The ObjectNotExist exception, if thrown, will not be caught, so code that calls this method should catch it.
I am wondering if there is a way to do this without bringing in the actual models being referenced. For example if I wanted to do something like this:
for model in models
i = ContentType.objects.get(app_label="Users", model=model)
obj = i.get_object_for_this_type(user=self)
self.profile_type = obj
except ContentType.object.DoesNotExist:
This exception informs me that 'ContentTypeManager' object has no attribute 'DoesNotExist'
. Is there a way to do this without specifying all of the models in models?